Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Education is key!

I understand that our economy sucks, and that we are in a recession, and we our economy is falling further and further into debt, but do not take our economy's frustrations out on education, PLEASE!!!!
I am tired and tired of seeing our government, and our California governator pull more and more funing away from our children's education. Our children are our future, they are alive and learning. Right now, if I were an aware child, I would think that our government does not care about me, because they keep pulling more and more funding out of schools. This means older textbooks, more crowded classrooms, a higher ratio of children to teachers, a higher ratio of children to computers, fewer new computers, less educated teachers, fewer and worse background checks on potential teachers, etc.
Please, don't make our children suffer for the mistakes that we are making today. Our education system is already far enough behind the other G8 countries, we don't need to fall behind any further. If anything we need to put more funding into our public school system.
At this rate, if I have children, I am putting them into private schools, because they are the only ones that are going to be keeping up with the other nations in some way. I am not big on organized religion, but if it means that my kid knows algebra, calculous, physics, chemistry, English, etc. Then it is worth it.

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