Saturday, October 4, 2008

Youtube and political censorship

Why would the internets best site for political snippets and videos suddenly stop showing videos with a political essence? For example, Saturday Night Live has recently had two skits performed with Tina Fey portraying Governor Sarah Palin, and Youtube is now blocking the skit that satirizes Palin's interview with Katie Couric; at least the full versions is. Is Youtube trying to stay politically neutral, or are they now blocking all video with a political nature. So, should they then block all political endorsement videos, satire, etc. I say if they are going to block one then they should block all, but the other video of SNL's skit with Palin and Clinton is still playing. Why are they only blocking the one skit? Palin herself said that she thought the skits were funny and that Tina Fey was dead nuts on portraying her character. Why have they decided to pull that skit?

Obviously, there is still alot of political bias. Of all the times I have viewed videos on youtube, I have never seen one blocked from playing. Censored yes, for children's sake, but never completely blocked from actually even being played. Is this the new beginning of political censorship in this country? Will we soon see fewer and fewer political satires? What is this country coming too? I don't mean to sound like a slippery slope, but it has to start somewhere.

Please, if you are like me, and I detest censorship on any level (except for children), please make sure to make your concern known. Tell a friend, talk with a coworker, speak with a relative about it, just speak up, because if we don't then they will continue to silence us.

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